Action Group

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Homeless Facts

In the 2008 Homeless Count there were AT LEAST 3,062 people homeless in Metro Vancouver.

Since 2002, there has been a shocking 137% increase in overall homelessness and a 373% increase in the number of people sleeping outside. /.

Share the Gold Event

Share The Gold invites you to help link the worlds within our city by creating a human chain along Hastings Street.

A Half-Hour Stand in Solidarity

as together we create

A Human Chain to Share The Gold

Our vision is of a golden chain of individuals standing 3m apart along either side of Hastings Street for 3 blocks from First United, past Carnegie Community Centre and InSite to Pigeon Park

On February 24th (4.45pm to 5.15pm)

Please wear a yellow scarf – or obtain one at First United at 4.15 pm

See the attached brochure for details about Share The Gold

Meet at First United Church – 320 E Hastings Street at 4.30pm


Thank you for participating! We ask you please to:

  1. 1. Wear a gold scarf (in addition toques may be purchased from the Church office for $10)
  2. 2. Stand about 3 meters from the next person wearing yellow/gold;
  3. 3. Hold your position in the line for at least 30 minutes, from 4.45pm to 5.15pm;
  4. 4. Be peaceful and non-violent;
  5. 5. Do not damage property;
  6. 6. Do not disrupt traffic  or other people’s activity in any way;
  7. 7. Extend by words and smiles an invitation for ALL to participate in standing in solidarity with each other;
  8. 8. Refer any problems, concerns or disruptions to the nearest First United staff person, identifiable by a large “badge”