Dollar-a-Day:End Homelessness Now
Many people,young and old,in almost every neighbourhood in Vancouver experience homelessness. While many services are concentrated in the Downtown Eastside,homelessness counts have identified many people sleeping in parks in the West End,along retail corridors like Mt. Pleasant,Commercial Drive,South Granville or Kitsilano’s Fourth Avenue as well as in places like Pacific Spirit Park or Queen Elizabeth’s garden. Vancouver is not alone in having a homelessness crisis …there are over 3,000 people who are homeless in the Lower Mainland. There are people who live on the streets,cycle through shelters and rooming houses or couch serf from one friend’s home to another.
What is supported housing?
Supported housing is the solution to homelessness. Supported housing provides homeless people with decent housing and support workers to assist them with achieving self-identified goals.
Everyone needs a place to call home
It is alarming statistics like these that prompted St Andrew’s Homeless &Mental Health Action Group to swing into action to organize a series of forums and debates to draw attention to the plight of homeless people and to urge all levels of government to address this unconscionable situation. This awareness campaign and the challenge to provide suitable housing NOW must continue.
In addition,Andrew’s-Wesley Homelessness and Mental Health Action Group is committed to assist in providing homes for homeless people. To that end,St Andrew’s- Wesley Action Group is launching a campaign to raise funds online. These funds will be used to top up standard rent allowances for welfare recipients. They may also be used to help people with health problems,including mental health problems,to ensure that they receive appropriate treatment.
To that end,we urge you to join us to raise $500,000.00 to enable homeless people to get clean and affordable housing through our Dollar-a-Day End Homelessness Now program.
Here is how it works. Save one dollar every day of a month. Then donate it online at the end of the month. Do this every month of the year and you will have donated $365.00 which is enough to top up the rent for one month for one person. It takes only 12 people to make this commitment and you have enabled a homeless person to have his or her own home for a full year!
Make your donation now. Click on DONATE.