Action Group

Join the End Homelessness Action Group. Please send me an email with your comments,suggestions or enquiry - go to Contact us.

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Homeless Facts

In the 2008 Homeless Count there were AT LEAST 3,062 people homeless in Metro Vancouver.

Since 2002,there has been a shocking 137% increase in overall homelessness and a 373% increase in the number of people sleeping outside. /.


Volunteers for End Homelessness Now

End Homelessness Now depends on volunteers to provide many services to advocate,educate and raise funds to provide housing for the homeless.

Some of these services include:

•    Stand for Housing
•    Distribute pamphlets
•    Spread the word by sending emails
•    Volunteer at First United Mission
•    Join End Homelessness Now Action Group
•    Other opportunities

If you are interested in any of these interesting volunteer opportunities or if you have any ideas or interests of your own,please contact Don Evans at (604) 505-5921 or [email protected]