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To the House of Commons in Parliament Assembled
We the undersigned support a National Housing Strategy that will, in consultation with First Nations, harmonize the work of all levels of government to ensure secure, adequate, accessible and affordable housing for all Canadians. We call for an increased federal role in housing through investments in:
• Not for profit housing;
• Housing for the homeless;
• Access to housing for those with different needs including seniors and persons with disabilities; and
• Sustainable and environmentally sound design standards for new housing, that go beyond the one-time stimulus investment contained in Budget 2009.
We ask that Parliament to ensure swift passage of Libby Davies’ Private Members’ Bill C-304, An Act to ensure secure, adequate, accessible and affordable housing for Canadians.
St.Andrew’s-Wesley Homelessness and Mental Health Action Group
1022 Nelson Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 1H8