A new resource on homelessness for senior high-school teachers!
Learning about Homelessness in British Columbia
Integrating homelessness issues into senior social sciences and
humanities courses, including Civics 11, Social Studies 11, Economics 12,
Family Studies 10-12, First Nations 12, Law 12, and Social Justice 12
Written by Jennifer Hales
With academic support from Krishna Pendakur,
Professor of Economics, Simon Fraser University
Available for free to download at
Developed with the financial support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada
under their Strategic Joint Initiatives Program in cooperation with the National Homelessness Secretariat.
Additional administrative support was provided by the Metropolis British Columbia
Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Diversity
Homelessness Action Week 2010 – October 10-16
World Homeless Day – October 10