Progress Vision is making
Today I’d like to share with you the progress that Vision is making to end street homelessness in Vancouver. We made an election commitment to end street homelessness by 2015 and yesterday’s progress report from City Hall staff shows that significant headway is being made.
Street homelessness has dropped by 47% since we took office. We’ve gotten tough on slumlords and stepped up enforcement on SRO Hotels. Over two thousand new rental housing units,including laneway housing,rental projects,and secondary suites,were built or approved in Vancouver since 2009. And there are over 1,500 new social housing units coming online in the next few years.
The City report states that we are just 450 units of new affordable housing away from ending street homelessness by 2015. We still have a lot of work to do,but ending street homelessness is within our grasp. We must keep the momentum going.
Over the next few weeks,the City of Vancouver will launch a public engagement process on homelessness. to get involved:we’ll let you know when the city engagement process is starting,and keep you updated on what you can do to end street homelessness in Vancouver. With your support,we will make Vancouver a city where no one has to sleep outdoors at night.
Ian Baillie
Executive Director,
Vision Vancouver