Experienced Volunteers Needed
We are contacting local homeless-serving organizations and service providers to encourage outreach workers and other knowledgeable staff to sign up as volunteers for Count Day. People with experience working with the homeless population and/or those who have volunteered in previous counts interested in volunteering for the 2011 Homeless Count are asked to sign up online by *February 10* at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Volunteers2011
A training session will be held in all sub-regions starting the week of February 21st.
Who We’re Counting
The 2011 count will build on the approach and methodology used in previous counts. The 24-hour snapshot includes a survey of sheltered homeless and the daytime count includes people who are homeless who did not use a shelter or stay in hospital, detox or correction centres overnight. Daytime interviews will take place in locations where homeless people are likely to congregate such as drop-in centres, bottle depots and meal programs as well as parks, streets and ravines, and other outdoor locations.
More Information
The Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness (RSCH) has hired OrgCode Consulting, Inc. as the research consultant for the Count. The RSCH Governance Working Group is overseeing the project with support from a Core Technical Advisory.
Local Community Homelessness Tables across the region and the City of Vancouver are taking strong leadership roles in the volunteer recruitment and implementation process. A Youth Coordinator () has also been hired for the 2011 count to ensure homeless youth are counted across the region.
For more information on the 2011 Count, feel free to contact John Whitesell, OrgCode Consultant: or Dianna Hurford, Metro Vancouver Secretariat, .
Dianna Hurford, Regional Planner
Metro Vancouver Homelessness Secretariat