Is it Shocking how we Treat the Mentally Ill?
Many of the homeless people wandering the streets of the Lower Mainland have mental health issues. Advocates put a large part of the blame for this on the fact that thousands of psychiatric beds at Riverview Hospital and other facilities have been closed down since the 1960s. Is deinstitutionalization really to blame? In this environment, how can we increase and improve access to safe, quality and timely care for individuals with mental health and addiction illnesses? What other circumstances combined to cause the current crisis? And why is it so often the most in need that tend to get the least care? Join leading UBC and community experts to learn if how we treat our most vulnerable citizens is the current most significant health and social crisis.
Moderator – Stephen Quinn, CBC Broadcaster Panelist – Michael Krausz, MD, PhD, FRCPC, UBC Providence Leadership Chair for Addiction Research; UBC Professor of Psychiatry and School of Population and Public Health; Medical Director, Burnaby Treatment Centre for Mental Health and Addiction and the Regional Program for Concurrent Disorders Panelist – John Higenbottam, PhD, Associate Clinical Professor, UBC Department of Psychiatry; Chair, Douglas College Department of Psychology; Co Chair, Canadian Alliance for Mental Illness and Mental Health