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Action Group

Join the End Homelessness Action Group to be kept apprised of volunteer opportunities and other actions to take part in.

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Vote now for a National Housing Strategy.

We ask that Parliament ensure swift passage of Libby Davies’ Private Members’ Bill C-304, An Act to ensure secure, adequate, accessible and affordable housing for Canadians To VOTE, go to 'how you can help' and scroll to 'cast your vote'.

Homeless Facts

In the 2008 Homeless Count there were AT LEAST 3,062 people homeless in Metro Vancouver.

Since 2002, there has been a shocking 137% increase in overall homelessness and a 373% increase in the number of people sleeping outside. /.

CD Concert on Homelessness

October 14, 2009
8:00 pm

FREE public concert

Don’t miss the free public concert on October 14, 8:00 pm at St Andrew’s-Wesley United Church.

The concert features Steve Maddock, Janet Warren, Alicia Hansen, William George, Linda Lee Thomas and many more. Spread the word … share this poster … homelesscd-concert1

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